"Moringa oleifera.
“Moringa oleifera” is the name of the “miracle tree” from the Himalayas
Horseradish tree with full name.
Leaves, flowers, fruits, bark, roots and seeds of the plant, which has meanwhile also become known to us, contain almost everything that we urgently need in our modern lifestyle: plenty of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants - and all without chemical additives , in natural composition and in high-dose form.
The practical pocket guide provides you with comprehensive information on:
- the healing and strengthening ingredients of the moringa tree
- current results from research
- interesting case studies and possible applications
- delicious recipe ideas for everything to do with moringa leaf powder
4th edition 2020, flap brochure
11.5 x 16.5 cm, color throughout, 95 p.
Moringa olifeira - the healing power of the Ayurvedic miracle tree
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